European Commission / The CulturEU funding guide
CulturEU Funding Guide
01/02/23The CulturEU funding is a guide to EU funding opportunities for the cultural and creative sectors (CCS). It has been developed to support all types and sizes of stakeholders working in the CCS to help them navigate the EU funding landscape, understand which opportunities are available to them, and ultimately help them access EU funding more easily.
The guide is filled with visual aids to help you easily navigate the EU funding landscape and quickly find those opportunities which are most relevant to you. Icons are provided to indicate for which sector, type of action and organisation each funding programme is likely to be most relevant. It is available in 24 EU languages.
You can download it as a PDF or use it online together with an online questionnaire that will help you find the right funding opportunity for you, based on the sector you are working in and the type of organisation and the support you are looking for.
Last updated: 07/02/23