Show your support for the BEDA Position Paper, which empowers design in Europe, by signing it

About us

BEDA sees design as a key driver for sustainable innovation, transformation of societies, and planetary well-being.

Who We Are

Founded in 1969 and based in Brussels, BEDA is a not-for-profit association comprising of 50+ members spanning 28 European countries.

Members include publicly funded design organisations plus professional and trade associations, all of whom promote pioneering design nationally or regionally.

Image by Elodie Meunier – WBI | BEDA Board of Directors 2024-2026, Brussels 2024

BEDA’s vision for design as a driver of sustainable growth and prosperity is achieved through multiple avenues. This includes advocating for progressive design to the European Commission, facilitating collaboration between BEDA members, curating valuable resources and promoting BEDA and its members beyond its immediate remit.

BEDA focuses on three key topics: ‘climate change and sustainability’, ‘digitalisation of our futures’ and ‘design for growth and prosperity in Europe’.

BEDA sees the capacity of design to offer solutions in the face of some of the world’s most extreme challenges – with this in mind, BEDA embraces the continuous evolution of design and is constantly curious about what is ‘next for design’. BEDA aims to navigate our ever changing environment with and for the design community.

‘Collaboration is the strength of the future, through strong and established networks, as BEDA, or through new forms of solidarity, all are an attempt to respond to the social and economic issues for the well-being of people and respect for the planet.’

Isabelle Vérilhac, former BEDA President/ APCI, France

Meet the Board

Our board, including BEDA’s President and Vice President, are focused on promoting the value and potential of design to the European Commission as well as to the design sector itself.

Alongside this, the board coordinates and oversees the delivery of the organisation’s strategy which is co-developed with BEDA’s members.

Board objectives:

  1. Support members to achieve policy impact in their countries, regions and organisations. This may be achieved through the curation of tools and resources as well as through member events such Open Doors Dialogues, BEDA Forum and BEDA Regulars.
  2. Continuously improve the advocacy of design in key European Commission initiatives such as the New European Bauhaus, Industrial Strategy, Pact for Skills and the Cultural and Creative Industry Strategy. This will be achieved by participating in meetings, writing papers, building a pool of experts responsible for responding to requests by the Commission, contributing to policy and creating action plans.
  3. Continue to look ahead boldly, working with members to explore what’s next for design, thus defining our next strategic priorities.

The board meets up to six times a year and is assisted by consultants to support BEDA’s operations and communications. More information on how the board operates can be found in the Articles of Associations and Bylaws of BEDA.

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