image by New European Bauhaus | NEB Toolbox
NEB Toolbox - Practical Guidelines to Build on Experience: Lessons Learnt from 20 New European Bauhaus Local Initiatives
27/01/24This toolbox is developed in the framework of the ‘Support to the New European Bauhaus Local Initiatives’, providing Technical Assistance (TA) to small and medium-sized municipalities, and supported by the European Regional Development Fund.
The NEB Toolbox is a collection of tools that provides practical guidelines, tools, and resources for small and medium-sized municipalities, NGOs, and other organisations engaged in transformative projects aligned with the NEB’s values of sustainability, beauty, and inclusivity. The toolbox is designed to support the planning and execution of projects, offering methodologies based on lessons learned from previous NEB initiatives and various tools for project phases like identification, exploration, and refinement. It targets project initiators, planners, designers, and stakeholders involved in implementing the NEB framework in local projects.
20 place-based project concepts selected within the call benefited from tailored support on the ground provided by a group of interdisciplinary experts to shape the concepts along the lines of the New European Bauhaus and the objectives of the Green Deal.
During the Technical Assistance, it was evident that “NEB projects” required a focused approach and utilising the NEB framework to identify needs, and challenges, explore solutions, and refine ideas and concepts. The working method during the Technical Assistance was co-creation workshops for project teams and stakeholders. The experts used the NEB Compass to navigate the projects towards values and working principles and implemented various tools of their choice to foster inclusive collaboration, aesthetic enhancements, and green transformations.
Source: new-european-bauhaus.europa.eu/system/files/2024-01/NEB%20toolbox.pdf