Measuring The Cultural and Creative Sectors EU
The Measuring CCS Consortium Final Report
25/11/22The Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) are amongst Europe’s most dynamic industries and are an important asset to generate economic growth and employment, as well as to foster social cohesion and promote diversity. According to the Annual Single Market Report 2021, the economic contribution of CCS is substantial and even greater than that of several other leading sectors such as telecommunications, high technology, pharmaceuticals, and the automotive industry. Moreover, the COVID pandemic crisis implied several challenges to CCS namely by accelerating major trends in digital and by reinforcing the need to increase efforts to develop new content and new business models. These challenges call for a rigorous measuring of the Cultural and Creative Sectors.
This Report is the concluding and closing document marking the end of our research. The proposal had three main goals: (i) to propose a new framework with an updated definition of the scope of the “Cultural and Creative Sectors”, to better quantify the CCS and ensure comparability at European Union (EU) level of all available data; (ii) to develop new methods for capturing and quantifying online services in the CCS, and (iii) to provide updated economic figures on the CCS.
See the full report HERE.
More Information: www.measuring-ccs.eu/the-measuring[…]final-report/
Last updated: 01/08/23