AMI2030 / Advanced Materials for EU Open Strategic Autonomy 18 April 2023
On 18 April 2023, the Advanced Materials Initiative (AMI 2030) is organising an online session hosted by Lund University under the Swedish Presidency to pin down the possibilities Europe can capture by effectively turn the present global challenges, net zero emission twinned with digitalization and social cohesion, into an opportunity through advanced materials.
This session will count with high-level speakers, notably Ministers of Science and Education from different European countries, CEOs from European companies developing/using advanced materials, such as NORTHVOLT, SOLVAY, UMICORE and SPLASTICA, the Director-General of DG-RTD at the European Commission and representatives from the AMI2030 initiative.
The programme will include a panel discussion on the European Strategic Agenda on Advanced Materials and the next steps, against the background of:
- Technology Sovereignty: EU’s leadership to drive novel advanced materials for products in the twin-transition
- Material Value Chains: designing sustainable and circular materials and products, involving players at all TRL levels
- Promote an exchange between innovators, VC, students, start-ups
- New forms of inclusive cooperation across the entire value chain
- The Coordinated Plan on advanced materials as announced in the Commission Communication on critical raw materials
Reasons to attend:
- Help reach the goals of the Advanced Materials Initiative
- Improve European competitiveness
- Overcome barriers
- Build trust between industry and the public
- Strengthen safe and sustainable innovation
Registration Deadline: by 17 April 2023
Detailed Programme: www.ami2030.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/agenda-high-level-event.pdf
Tickets and More Information: ami2030.eu/events/1334