NEW European Bauhaus | Webinar - Rebuilding Ukraine Together Online Summary Session

Join the online session summarising key finding from the New European Bauhaus capacity-building programme for the reconstruction of Ukraine.
The aim of the capacity-building programme that was announced by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in Kyiv in February was to provide both inspiration and practical help for teams from Ukrainian municipalities involved in the reconstruction and rebuilding of Ukraine and to promote the values of the New European Bauhaus, sustainability, aesthetics and inclusion, as a guiding principle for the reconstruction.
The programme consisted of a series of online webinars running between April and June 2023. All modules were based on a thorough assessment of the needs of Ukrainian municipalities conducted in autumn 2022. In total, 67 teams from Ukrainian municipalities participated in the programme, which was organised by and with our Ukrainian partners Ro3kvit, ReThink, Covenant of Mayors East and the Architects’ Council of Europe.
During this one and half hour event, the main curators of each module will share key findings informing the beautiful, sustainable and inclusive reconstruction of Ukraine that is in line with the needs, interests and values of local communities. In addition, you will hear about the next steps in the NEB Actions for Ukraine and the “deep-dive” NEB programme that will follow. The event will be held both in English and Ukrainian, with simultaneous translations and there will be a possibility to ask questions.
This event is open to all stakeholders who might be interested to know more about working with Ukrainian municipalities, and about the potential of green reconstruction. On the day of the event, you will be able to follow the live stream through the link above.