Turn your prospects into projects by closing more deals. A fast-paced, practical and interactive 90-minute workshop with Jeremy Davies.
Communication is key to converting new business prospects to real business relationships, however, it needs to be a conversation, not a monologue. In this fast-paced, practical, and interactive session, we will look at the tools you need to manage this process efficiently, and how to overcome the challenges and barriers agencies commonly face in keeping the sales process moving and closing the deal. In the age of social media, it’s easier than ever to keep in touch, but harder than ever to cut through. Of course, keeping prospects informed and sharing relevant insights helps reinforce your positioning and proposition – however, it’s just as important to stay informed of developments at their end. Together with the DBA, you will explore how you can develop a consistent process that keeps prospects engaged, as well as how to have conversations that drive real results. Identifying and prioritising the best prospects to focus on, the DBA will ensure you focus your energy in the right places.
This workshop covers:
- Got the meeting, now what?
- Qualifying and questioning techniques
- Mythbusting
- The right tools for the job
- 4 Ps – Positioning, Proposition, Process, Proactivity
- A little help from your friends