bayern design | mcbw

Organized by bayern design, munich creative business week (mcbw) is the largest design event in Germany and provides a platform for new ideas, trends, and creativity. mcbw fosters interdisciplinary dialogue and brings together the public, experts, designers, company representatives, and students from design, architecture, the economy, and other disciplines to deliver comprehensive design experiences over the course of nine days. With new festival headquarters, a new key visual, and a new highly topical, society-relevant motto “How to co-create with nature”, mcbw will take place in Munich for the 13th time from 11 – 19 May 2024.
The mcbw 2024 (May 11 to 19) picks up on one of society’s most important topics. How to co-create with nature sets the contextual direction and relates to the discourse on the best ways to treat nature and create something new at the same time. mcbw offers a platform for program partners to collaborate to determine how design can contribute to creating a livable future by working with nature and not against it.
The four focal themes developed as part of the motto of mcbw 2024 will be guiding program partners and visitors alike:
- Re-Learn!
- Re-Generate!
- Co-Work!
- Un-Limit!
The focal themes are based on the concept that nature must be seen in a variety of roles: as teacher, beneficiary, co-designer, and even as a result of a design process.
Stefano Boeri is creative explorer for munich creative business week 2024
With his work, renowned Italian-born architect and professor of architecture Stefano Boeri is exemplary of the new mcbw motto, How to co-create with nature. As author and publisher of Green Obsession. Trees towards Cities. Humans towards Forests (2021), Boeri will be the keynote speaker at the mcbw design summit scheduled for 13 May 2024.
More Information: mcbw.de/en . 2024’s events schedule will be published starting in February.