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Supporting organisation for the design and fashion industry

Who We Are

Flanders District of Creativity is the single point of contact for entrepreneurs in the design and fashion industries in Flanders. Flanders DC is a non-profit organization, partly supported by the Flemish Government. We actively inform, coach, promote and inspire entrepreneurs in fashion and design who want to build or grow their business. Return on creativity is what we’re after.

What We Do

Return on Creativity
Making a profit from your creativity can be a piece of cake. But most of the time, it’s a proper challenge.
In the creative sector, it takes more than talent or a kick-ass product to gain a foothold or to build a profitable business – no matter how unique, inventive or brilliant your ideas. So every now and then, a little guidance will come in handy.

Enter Flanders DC!
Flanders DC informs and gives advice
Flanders DC is the reference organisation for every entrepreneur in the design and fashion sectors. We are a neutral source of relevant information, but we do have a mind of our own. Are you determined to turn your idea into a successful business? We help you make informed choices and assist you every step of the way.

Flanders DC unites and inspires
Flanders DC has a huge network and is an avid supporter of cross-pollination. Our high-profile events act as an incubator for surprising and constructive collaborations, while our workshops and seminars feature inspiring experts who have plenty of knowledge and hands-on tips and tricks to share.
We organise every two year the conferences Fashion talks en Creative Ville.

Flanders DC opens doors abroad
Flanders DC wants to provide easy access to the market and all its opportunities by offering creative entrepreneurs in fashion, design or gaming a chance to participate in international fairs and business trips.

Flanders DC offers recognition
Flanders DC is a powerful and energetic organisation that does its utmost to put the spotlight on home-grown products, companies and people with awards like the prestigious Henry van de Velde Design Awards, the Belgian Fashion Awards, our online magazine… We believe the world deserves to know about your work.

Flanders DC networks
Flanders DC is the initiator and coordinator of the international Districts of Creativity Network and is member of BEDA (The Bureau of European Design Associations), the World Crafts Council (WCC), the United Fashion Europe association and the United Fashion project. We are partner in many regional, European an international network.

Flanders DC is convinced that the design and fashion sector will become the driving force of our economy: it’s resistant to automation and immune to the temptation of cheap labour. That’s why Flanders DC wants to be a breeding ground where (aspiring) creative entrepreneurs and organisations can generate a sustainable Return on Creativity.

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