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National Umbrella Design Association

Who We Are

READ is a Spanish non-profit organization with statewide activity and international projection, established for the coordination and integration of the community of designers.

It currently gathers thirteen associations: AAD, Andalusian Association of Designers; ADCV, Association of Designers of the Valencian Community; AGA, Association of Graphic Designers of Asturias; Cuenca Design; DAG, Galician Association of Designers; di-Ca, Association of Design Professionals and Companies of the Canary Islands; DiEx, Association of Designers of Extremadura; DIMAD, Madrid Designers Association; DIME, Design of the Plateau; DIP, Association of Design and Advertising Communication Professionals of the Region of Murcia; DIS, Association of Graphic Designers of Soria; EIDE, Basque Design Association; and La Exprimidora, Association of Designers and Creatives of Castellón.

READ’s consolidated values are the large number of designers who bring together the associations that make it up and its wide geographical distribution, in addition to its commitment to digitization, co-creation, the “glocal” activity, the commitment to professional excellence and the triple balance perspective (economic, social and ecological).

What We Do

We share the objectives of spreading the culture of design, promoting and making the sector’s activity more visible, strengthening the position of design professionals and contributing to the transformation of the economic network, establishing more competitive and efficient relationships and fostering situations of social interaction.

READ organizes ENAD, a yearly national meeting on design that changes its location every two editions and gathers professionals and experts around a proposed subject, and also kick-starts many other projects on education, research, policy, promotion and ethics.

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