A National Design Strategy for Spain
The working group created in the National Design Meeting promoted by The Multilateral of Design will meet on December 17 with the aim of advancing in the worklines planned for 2022. This transversal and stable working group has the participation of senior officials from various ministries, among others, to advance in the dialogue with the state administration, in order to promote the development of a national strategy for the integration of Design in a strategic approach in all economic and social sectors, contributing therefore to achieve the objectives of the recovery, transformation and resilience plans foreseen for Spain.
This meeting taking place on December 17 will be the third one of this working group, which had its origin in the working table “For a national design strategy” held in Santiago de Compostela on October 15th, 2021, in the framework of the IX National Design Meeting organized by READ (Spanish Network of Design Associations) and the DAG (Galician Association of Design). The objective of this meeting is to share the projects, strategies and challenges of each of the entities that conform this group in order to identify the role that Design could play as a strategic tool for innovation and transformation. At the second meeting of this working group, which took place on November 19, the heads of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, the Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN), the PACKNET Technology Platform and FINSA, already present at the first meeting, were joined by representatives of the Ministry of Culture and Sport and the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. The attendees validated the conclusions of the Santiago de Compostela working group and endorsed the interest and willingness of all of them to continue working together.
The is made up by READ (Spanish Network of Design Associations) and BcD (Barcelona Centro de Diseño), both partners of BEDA, along with FAD (Fomento de las Artes y del Diseño ), FMRE (Foro de Marcas Renombradas), CADI (Centro Aragonés de Diseño Industrial ) and Valencia Capital Mundial del Diseño 2022. Last July BEDA already echoed the “Pact for Design”, an initiative of La Multilateral del Diseño that has continued collecting adhesions since then supporting the need to develop a “National Design Strategy” in Spain, counting to date with the support of 126 entities, 331 companies and 417 individuals.
IX National Design Meeting: https://designread.es/9enad/
IX National Design Meeting Conclusions: https://designread.es/9enad/documentos/
Beda July Newsletter Pact of Design Reference: https://www.beda.org/news/pact-for-design/www.designread.esPhoto: READ