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Image: ADI Associazione per il Disegno Industriale | Board of ADI 2023

ADI: President Galimberti Has Been Re-Elected

The ADI members’ assembly, meeting at the ADI Design Museum in Milan, elected Luciano Galimberti to the position of president. The voters were 273 and they reconfirmed the president and the Board of Directors for the next three years. Members of the Coordinating Committees of the association’s four departments and members of the Board of Arbitrators were also elected.

Before the vote, the association’s 2022 final budget and 2023 budget were unanimously approved, illustrated in relation to those of the other components of the ADI “ecosystem”: the Fondazione ADI Collezione Compasso d’Oro and the service company ADIper.

President Galimberti, with members of the outgoing Board of Directors, reviewed the association’s activities in the past three years, focused on the opening of the ADI Design Museum: 41 exhibitions, 220 events, 145 book presentations, 20 concerts. Especially significant among the exhibitions is Italy. A New Collective Landscape, the first exhibition entirely dedicated to young Italian designers in 18 years, is open at the museum until 10 September, 2023. Notable international initiatives include participation in the annual organization of Italian Design Day, the exhibition People, Planet, Prosperity – Innovation, Creativity, Responsibility, presented in 2021 at the G20 in Rome, and the exhibition Italia Geniale, currently touring Asia after stops at Expo Dubai 2020 and Rome.

Among the national initiatives in the last three years, the activities of the 14 ADI Territorial Delegations have been particularly important: organizing 68 events and granting 70 patronages in the territory, 11 participations in initiatives and conferences, 2 exhibitions, the publication of an online column and 4 meetings held at the ADI Design Museum. To these are added the activities of the association’s 4 Departments (three cycles of meetings at the ADI Design Museum, participation in Book City Milano meetings, collaboration with Rinascente and Grandi Stazioni). Other initiatives of a national nature include, in addition to the annual ADI Design Index and biennial Compasso d’Oro exhibitions, collaboration with Confindustria, the association of Italian industrialists, for the dissemination of design culture among businesses and in particular that with Confindustria Professioni for the consolidation of the figure of the designer as an independent professional.

The program for the next three years, presented by Mr Galimberti at the assembly, sees-along with the strengthening at public institutions of the role of the ADI Design Museum and its full recognition as a national cultural centre-the development of a coordinated strategy for the association and for the ADI Foundation, which manages the museum. While the foundation will be primarily concerned with the culture of design, the ADI will increasingly take on a role of good citizenship for the consolidation of this culture in the contemporary, aimed at the dissemination of social innovation through the tools of design: “The association,” Galimberti said, “will take a position on current events in a positive and proactive way, intervening with increasing strength by proposing solutions that adopt the key of design.” Among the tools of this strategy are the ADI Historical Archive project currently being enhanced, proposals to institutions on the application of the Made in Italy Bill, recently approved by the Italian Government, and the evolution of the intellectual property protection system of the association, hitherto managed in an advisory capacity by the ADI Design Jury, into a full-fledged institutional conciliation body.

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