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Onwards with design in Europe

BEDA Design Forum 26 and 27 May 2021

Onwards with design in Europe

This event is one of BEDA’s most important policy meetings to date and precedes the BEDA General Assembly on 28 May. The BEDA Forum is open to all stakeholders interested in the design field, and all BEDA partners.


Wednesday 26 May 2021

All times are CEST

18:00 to 19:00 – All welcome
Social event to officially launch the 2021 BEDA Forum

BEDA member Cité du design, Saint-Étienne, is hosting this year’s BEDA Forum.

Welcome from Saint-Étienne and France

IntroductionIsabelle Vérilhac
Head of international Affairs and Innovation of Cité du design
 President Elect, BEDA

WelcomeMarc Chassaubéné
President of Cité du design

The Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Étienne 2021 has been postponed until 2022. Nevertheless, attendees will be able to enjoy a special teaser on the Biennale’s topic of ‘Bifurcations’. What does it mean? Come along and find out!

Olivier Peyricot
Director of the research at Cité du design 
 Scientific Director of the Biennale

France is building a National Design Policy. One year after the launch of the “Assises du design”, the BEDA members from France will present the status of the action plan.

  • Thierry Mandon, Director General Cité du design: French Design Council
  • Dominique Sciamma, President APCI: France Design Week
  • Céline Savoye, Director Lille design: Design Observatory
  • François Caspar, AFD: eco design charter

19:00 – End of official launch

Thursday 27 May 2021

All times are CESTSESSION ONEPäivi Tahkokallio, BEDA President, welcomes delegates to the BEDA Forum 2021 and introduces the day.

Moderator: Isabelle Vérilhac, BEDA Vice President

9:00 – BEDA Members sharing experiences

An inspirational session with BEDA Members’ and stakeholders’ case studies of projects or concepts that fit the New European Bauhaus initiative showcasing the key attributes of ‘Inclusive, Aesthetic and Sustainable’. Come along and listen to what’s happening around Europe.

  • Cat Drew, Design Council (UK): The Systemic Design Framework
  • Regina Hanke, Deutscher Designtag: Participation, Inclusion, Dissemination
  • Bart Ahsmann, CLICKNL and Ingrid van der Wacht, Dutch Design Foundation: The Open Coalition for New European Bauhaus
  • Aisling Clancy, Design & Crafts Council Ireland and Kim Mackenzie-Doyle, Founder of The Big Idea: The Big Idea
  • Jérémy Nuel, Cité du design – ESADSE: Digital Tools for Creative Cooperation
  • Jannicke Hølen, Design and Architecture Norway (DOGA): Innovation for All
  • Margarit (Mark) Ralev, Founder, Bulgarian Design Group

10.30 – Fifteen minute Break

10:45 – BEDA President Päivi Tahkokallio welcomes the Mayor of Saint-Étienne
Official Welcome by Gaël Perdriau, Mayor of Saint-Étienne, President of Saint-Etienne MétropoleSESSION TWO

Moderator: Päivi Tahkokallio, BEDA President

11.00 – Conversation with the European Commission and the New European Bauhaus Team

The success of Europe depends on how we manage to become climate neutral and how we best benefit from digitalisation, whilst managing both transformations in a citizen-centred way.

What is the role of design in transformation in Europe, especially in the context of the twin transformations – the green and the digital? We will discuss mission-led transformation at the level of local administrations and how we best bring design into transformation processes at the regional level in Europe, in regions and in cities and municipalities, close to the everyday life of all Europeans.

The context of the discussion is the recently updated European Industrial Strategy and its ecosystems model; the New European Bauhaus Initiative and the European Cohesion Policy.

Design already plays a role in some cities and regions in Europe through its ability to create solutions to complex challenges. It achieves this through collaboration with other disciplines; through designers facilitating complex processes and further, through bringing the needs of citizens in focus through co-design and participatory processes.

The question is, how can we develop? What is required from the administrations? What is required from design and designers? How can we best measure impact? Much of this is very much related to capacity building.

The experts invited to take part in the dialogue include:

Laura Hageman-Arellano
Unit G3 -Inclusive Growth, Urban and Territorial Development
European Commission Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policies (DG REGIO)

Johannes Helama
Project Manager / Open Agenda at Micropolis Ltd. with expertise on green energy and environment in the municipality of Li in Finland. In 2017, Micropolis won the European Commission’s RegioStars Awards category in Energy Union / climate change.

Iulia Mirela-Serban
Assistant to the Director-General, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (REGIO). (Attending for part of the session)

Xavier Troussard
Director of the New European Bauhaus Team at Joint Research Centre.

Vera Winthagen
Policy Analyst at the New European Bauhaus Team at Joint Research Centre.

12:30 – A one-hour break


Co-Moderators: Päivi Tahkokallio, BEDA President and Isabelle Vérilhac, BEDA Vice President

13.30 – New European Bauhaus – the global context

Climate change is a global threat. How can the global design community support the New European Bauhaus initiative?

What could be the role of communities across disciplines (designers, activists, students, users, public actors, etc) in the New European Bauhaus initiative?

How can design communities beyond Europe, in fact all over the world, inspire each other in creating solutions together with other disciplines?

You are welcome to join us and take part in the discussion with our invited experts:

Alok Nandi
Managing Director Partner, Spread Design + Architempo ; IxDA Past President; Entrepreneur, Strategist, Author, Speaker, Educator / Narrative + Design.

Luther Quenum
Public policies lab manager and designer, ‎Métropole Européenne de Lille (MEL), Member of the High Level Round Table of the New European Bauhaus Initiative.
Lille was the World Design Capital 2020.

Eija Salmi
Secretary General, Cumulus International Association of Universities and Colleges in Art, Design and Media; Head of International Affairs at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Aalto University, Finland.

Dr Brigitte Trousse
Senior Researcher in AI and User-driven Design at Inria, University Côte d’Azur; Founding member of ENoLL, European Network of Living Labs, Member of ENoLL Board of Directors, representing France & Francophonie Living Labs and ICT Usage Lab.

15.00 – End of BEDA Forum


Please contact BEDA Administrator Anna Stark or the Cité du design team with any queries.

We look forward to welcoming you to this important event.

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