BEDA Forum 2021 on 14 December, 17-20 CET: Join online!
BEDA Bureau of European Design Associations is cordially inviting all members to join BEDA Forum 2021.
Save the Date: BEDA Forum 2021, 14 December 2021, 17-20 CET with the presence of the European Commission and the New European Bauhaus team.
The New European Bauhaus initiative moves forward with the announcement of the NEB Lab and the NEB Festival. BEDA is the first Official Partners of the NEB and several BEDA members have answers present to help and to contribute to action as Official Partners too. At the same time, the first calls appear on Horizon Europe to support concretely demonstrators on the ground.
We offer you the opportunity to exchange with the European Commission, the Directorate-General Research and Innovation (GD RTD) and the NEB team. This is a conversation and co-creation session specially dedicated to our members. Please join us and invite your colleagues to share this unique moment.
The Programme and the link to the BEDA Forum 2021 will be sent to all BEDA Members via email.