BEDA General Assembly on 20 May 2022
The BEDA General Assembly (GA) will be held on Friday 20 May 2022. This year the GA will elect the BEDA Board of Directors for the term 2022-2024. BEDA is calling their membership to nominate candidates to stand for the election of the BEDA Board of Directors.
With the remarkable turnout in 2021, BEDA decided to hold the event online – it enables more members to join and have their say. In the light of the COVID pandemic, on 20 December 2020 the Belgian Government passed an Act to enable ASBL’s to hold their General Assemblies remotely whether or not that possibility is allowed for in the Articles of Association.
To comply with legal requirements the meeting will be held via a Zoom Webinar and voting will be conducted via ElectionRunner. Zoom’s integrated chat function will enable members to interact, and to further optimise the participation this chat will be monitored by a member of the current BEDA Board.
BEDA informs its membership of all relevant information, such as online registration to enable unique access codes for attendance and voting, and issue voting accreditation forms. All required information are issued via email and can also be accessed in the BEDA Member Zone.
The BEDA Design Forum will be held in St. Étienne and online via Zoom on Thursday 19 May 2022, 09:30 to 12:30 CET one day prior to the General Assembly. This will give BEDA and its members the opportunity to meet in person. Under the French presidency the BEDA Design Forum is hosted by Cité du design and part of the Biennale International Design Saint-Étienne 2022. To celebrate the meeting after such a long time BEDA will host an informal meet and greet for the membership after the General Assembly.
Note for members:The BEDA General Assembly (GA) will take place online. However, if you have travelled to Saint-Étienne and would like to join other BEDA members to attend the online event there will be an opportunity to gather in Le Théâtre, Cité du design, 3 rue Javelin Pagnon, 42000 Saint-Étienne. For this please ensure to bring your own laptop and headset, it is vital that every attendant connects to the GA with an individual digital device (you cannot share a laptop). You can of course connect to the GA from anywhere and join the meet and greet after the GA in Le Théâtre.