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BEDA Guideline on submissions to the NEB website

As an official Partner of the New European Bauhaus and the European Commission’s NEB team, BEDA is eager to encourage and facilitate contributions to the NEB website from as many of its Members as possible as a part of the first harvesting phase of the initiative.

We are keen to ensure that the role of BEDA in submitting content to the NEB website is recognised as a valuable and diverse contribution to the process.

In encouraging and supporting our Members to actively participate in the first ‘harvesting’ phase of the NEB, BEDA will:

  • Communicate relevant information on the New European Bauhaus on the BEDA website
  • Provide a basic presentation on the New European Bauhaus that can be customised to your own events and audiences (This will be available by sending a request to [email protected])
  • Respond to Members’ questions during the fortnightly BEDA Open Doors, chaired by the BEDA President and with the BEDA Vice President and MD attending.

In return, we are asking Members to add to each of their submissions the words: ‘Submitted by Xxxxxx, Member of BEDA’. This will help to make visible the contribution of BEDA Members from across Europe, thereby communicating to the Commission our commitment to the project and BEDA’s collective influence.

We know that great examples of tangible and intangible, as well as on and off-line, design exist across Europe and that many of these will hint at future ways of living sustainably. Our hope is that BEDA Members from 27 countries will take the time to identify and submit key design stories that can further deepen and broaden perceptions of what design can bring for a future successful and sustainable Europe.

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