BEDA presents NEB Partnership in Vienna
Under the tile ‘Design connects Bavaria with Austria’, and within the framework of the Munich Creative Business Week 2021, designaustria offered an online conversation on the New European Bauhaus at 19:00 CET on Saturday evening 13 March 2021.
Isabelle Vérilhac, BEDA Vice President and Michael Thomson, BEDA’s Consulting Managing Director, offered a short presentation introducing the New European Bauhaus to a mixed audience of designers and design promoters in Austria. In addition, they explained the role of BEDA as one of the first official Partners of the NEB.
They were joined by Gerhard Jagersberger from the Austrian Ministry of Culture and Eberhard Schrempf, Director of Creative Industries Styria.
Mr Jagersberger spoke of three key elements which in particular he wanted to highlight regarding the NEB. These were the strong cultural approach, the holistic and inter-disciplinary nature of the initiative and the integration of the perspective of ‘quality of life’. The combination of the sustainability agenda with that of the general cultural approach, he felt, is a defining quality of the NEB.
Eberhard Schrempf spoke with approval of the unique approach of the Commission in delivering the project with a co-design phase and acknowledged the need to always balance the top down high-level academic discussion with the bottom-up real world insight and know-how. Other contributors – also enthusiastic about the opportunity the NEB provides – included Boris Kochan, CEO of BEDA Member Deutsche Design Tag. The event was moderated by BEDA Secretary and designaustria Board Member Martin Fössleitner.
Event linkwww.designaustria.liveMunich Creative Business Week 2021www.mcbw.de/home/Design Austriawww.designaustria.at/Ministry of Culturewww.bmeia.gv.atCreative Industries Styriawww.cis.at/Deutsche Design Tagwww.designtag.org/