Can we design our relationship with nature?
Iceland Design and Architecture, in collaboration with Nordic colleagues, has published
a compilation of cases and review articles that reflect design methods and solutions that promote nature experiences and nature conservation on the website
Nature is a major attraction in the Nordic countries. At the same time, nature is increasingly being intruded upon and put under pressure due to growth in tourism in the Nordic region. The aim of the
Design in Nature project is to increase knowledge, enhance quality, and demonstrate, with examples, how design and architecture are applicable tools in the context of nature-related challenges that the Nordic countries face from the perspective of tourism and sustainability.
The project, carried out by designers and experts from Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Iceland and Norway, examines heritage, contemporary design projects and possible future solutions. The results of the project are highlighted through sixty design projects from the Nordic countries, all of which are accessible to the public and promote access for all or ease access to sites that were previously inaccessible. Some of the projects aim to guide visitors safely through natural areas, others are flexible structures that can be removed without a trace, or are examples of thoughtful use of materials that reflect respect for the environment. Some of the projects are multi-functional and meet different needs while others promote recovery and restoration of cultural landscapes, structures and nature on small and large scales.
Design in Nature is one of three projects on
NatNorth.is that are carried out under the auspices of Sustainable Tourism in the North, one of Iceland’s chairmanship projects in the Nordic Council of Ministers 2019-2021.
More information at