Coming soon: ‘Design Impact Observatory’ (DesImO) – A practical guide to monitor Design and measure its impact on businesses.
Last November, the project team members of 4 organisations (KEPA – Greece, Danish Design Centre – Denmark, PDR of Cardiff Metropolitan University – United Kingdom, Estonian Design Centre – Estonia) shared their experience from the pilot testing of the tools for exploring the state of Design in businesses and the impact of related interventions, which led to optimizing the proposed methodological framework.
During the online workshop, the participants presented the results from the test application of the two research tools “State of Design Questionnaire” and “Questionnaire for Interventions”, which was already completed in the partner countries. In more detail, the partners referred to the different research methods they used, the process of selecting and locating the right people in the companies that would take part in the pilot survey, as well as to the evaluation of the questionnaires themselves in terms of scope, content and the wording of the individual questions / possible answers, both on the part of the respondents and on the part of the interviewers.
Following the collection of all the feedback, the common points were identified, those that need special attention were identified and the necessary adjustments were made to the respective tools.
All of the above will be integrated into the Design Options Paper (DOP) which is the final deliverable of the project, a practical guide available to any organization wishing to use it to monitor the Design and measure its impact on businesses.
DesImO is a project financed by Horizon 2020. The main objective of the project is to collaboratively address a common innovation support challenge, through the concept of Twinning+ methodology. DesImO aims to bring four organizations together, to jointly explore best practices and provide guidelines and tools regarding effectively measuring Design and its impact on SMEs. The project has started in February 2021 and has a duration of 12 months.