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image by Creative Skills Week | Creative Skills Week 2024

Creative Skills Week Call for Satellite Events Extended to 25 May

As we ride the wave of rapid change, it’s important to ask, if creative arts programmes are future-ready. Educators and training providers are adopting new holistic, value-centred approaches to the needs of creatives. But, are these in line with the needs of our SME’s and industry partners?

The Creative Skills Week (CSW) is looking for the most cutting-edge initiatives and insights within the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) Ecosystem.

Host your CSW Satellite event online or in Amsterdam, on 16, 17 and 20 September 2024 and we will promote it to the creative skills community at large as part of CSW2024.

Call for Satellite Events

  • Satellite Events in Amsterdam: We invite interested organisations and individuals (including students) to seize the opportunity to host their event and/or skills-related activities as part of the Creative Skills Week 2024 Satellite Programme on 16, 17 and 20 September 2024, and we will promote it to the creative skills community at large as part of CSW2024.
  • Satellite Activities Online: Do you want to host and promote your event and/or skills-related activities online as part of the Creative Skills Week 2024? Add your event/activity to our online programme of events on 16, 17 and 20 September 2024 and we will promote it to the creative skills community at large as part of CSW2024.
  • Project presentations: Share your innovative project within the frame of the Creative Skills Week 2024.

Extended Deadline: 25 May 2024

Who can host a CSW Satellite event?

Any actively involved or interested organisation or individual within the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) Ecosystem is eligible to host events. This encompasses European and local networks, cultural organisations, SMEs, start-up and industry leaders, as well as professionals from the arts and cultural sectors, artists, designers, educators, architects, students, leaders and training providers.

The invitation is also extended to social partners, European and local projects, policymakers, and stakeholders engaged or interested in the CCI sector, or in the realms of skills development, lifelong learning and the future of work.

Creative Skills Week 2024 is an initiative of the EU Pact for Skills for the Cultural and Creative Industries Ecosystem, powered by SACCORD (Forward-Looking Project Scheme co-funded by the European Commission Erasmus+ Programme) in association with CYANOTYPES (Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills co-funded by the European Commission Erasmus+ Programme). BEDA is a partner of the SACCORD project.

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