Creativity for recovery at #EURegionsWeek
Creativity has always been the European soft power and in recent years, European policy is increasingly embracing creative and cultural industries as horizontal enablers of innovation with a strong social impact, empathy for the environment and positive effects across all sectors of the economy. Green transition and post-pandemic recovery are huge challenges that will require new creative approaches focused on collaboration and imagination.
New European Bauhaus is the best example of the type of cross-disciplinary co-design approach we need going forward. Four successful interregional projects in the field of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship (RCIA, UrbanM, RegionArts and Design4Innovation) will creatively engage the #EURegionsWeek audience to discuss how to harness creative power in regional recovery?
Our Lab will have an online world café format which is designed to encourage participation. After an introduction to the theme of discussion, participants will be split into four breakout rooms facilitated by thematic experts. The facilitator will lead the discussion and take notes on a virtual whiteboard. Each 15 minutes participants will move to a different room where the facilitator will summarize previous discussions. After four rounds all come together to share their insights.
Thursday, October 14, 2021 11:30 AM to 1:00 PMRegistration link here: https://www.interregeurope.eu/design4innovation/events/event/4685/creativity-for-recovery-at-euregionsweek/