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DBA Design Effectiveness Awards 2023: now open for entries

The most persuasive way of communicating the value of design is by measuring its effectiveness.

The wide-ranging success design can achieve is evidenced by the DBA Design Effectiveness Awards winners year after year.

Any type of design, in any industry sector, from anywhere in the world can be entered, so long as you have the measured proof that design made a clear and significant contribution to the results achieved by the work.

Entered jointly by the agency, or in-house design team delivering the work, and the client commissioning it, these awards celebrate the collaborative partnership that delivers success. They are rigorously judged by client-side business leaders in three rounds of judging and a win provides independent and authoritative recognition of the value of your work.

Download the entry pack today and
enter by 4 November 2022 to be in the frame to win a 2023 DBA Design Effectiveness Award.

More information at:

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