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“Design – Business – Wellbeing” – World Industrial Design Day held for the 65th time

The Hungarian Design Council (HDC) joined the World Industrial Design Day celebrated on 29 June with a programme called “Design – Business – Wellbeing”, held in Onyx Átrium in Budapest. The aim of the event was to bring attention to the creative industries and to help businesses that show design awareness. The participants of the presentations and the round table discussion – owner and creative director of Manooi János Héder, along with Anna Niszkács, Angéla Góg and Márton Lengyel representing Onyx Workshop – presented their business models and management strategies, moderated by HR expert Zsolt Fehér.

The events of this year’s World Industrial Design Day focus on the theme of “management”. The World Design Organisation (WDO) and its 170 partner organisations organised programmes in 40 countries to promote design and support creative businesses.

The keynote speaker and moderator of the “Design – Business – Wellbeing” programme, organised at the Onyx Atrium in Budapest, was HR expert Zsolt Fehér, International Director of Hogan Assessments.

In his keynote presentation, he outlined the management model of Hogan Assessments, using company data. From a management perspective, the expert sees the key to corporate success in ambition, humility, expertise and a coherent and consistent corporate vision.

At the event, creative director of design lamp manufacturer company Manooi János Héder, managing owner of Onyx Workshop Anna Niszkács, art director and food designer Angéla Góg, and interior designer Márton Lengyel presented the respective business models of their companies, talked about their key management strategies that contribute to their economic successes, and gave advice on design-aware management.

Moderated by Zsolt Fehér, the panelists discussed topics such as the key success criteria for running a design-based business, how to deal with crisis situations such as the Covid-19 pandemic, and what leadership strategies can help push startups towards growth. Onyx Workshop and Manooi also addressed questions about leadership, such as the extent to which the company’s slogan “Our tradition is innovation” is present in Onyx’s day-to-day management decisions, development, and staff selection; and how Manooi’s world of handcrafted objects is a vehicle for organisational development.

More information: see

Last updated: 12/03/23

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