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Design & Crafts Council Ireland convenes Design Week Ireland 2022

Design has the Power to Change our World

Convened by Design & Crafts Council Ireland, Design Week Ireland 2022 is a week-long national programme of events taking place from
14-18 November 2022. Throughout the week, DCCI will curate and host a series of
hybrid events focussing on why design matters and highlight issues around diversity, sustainability and inclusion. DCCI will also support and promote events across the island of Ireland that are designed to link with these themes, supporting design industry leaders and designers.

Launching on 14 November 2022 with a keynote presentation by co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Massive Change Network,
Bruce Mau, the programme will explore how design can address some of the critical issues facing our society, from future opportunities, equality and connectivity to climate change. DCCI is inviting design practitioners across Ireland to submit event ideas that celebrate and demonstrate the positive impact that design and design thinking have on the economy, society and culture.

Design Week Ireland 2022 is funded by the Department of Enterprise Trade & Employment through Enterprise Ireland.

Many of Design Week Ireland 2022 events will be streamed live and recordings will be available to view online. For more information, please visit

For press enquiries, please contact

Katie Stafford Noonan,

Revolve Marketing & PR, 23 The Crescent, Monkstown, Co. Dublin, Ireland, A94 X960

Mobile: +353 87 907 3791

Landline: + 353 1 284 1944 / @dccireland

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