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DESIGNSCOPE: Measuring the design economic impact and apprehending its ecosystem

Design plays an increasingly significant and visible role in the evolution and future of our society, both in terms of our lifestyles, our economy and the transformation of our territories. We are all concerned with the environmental and societal challenges that invite us today to design a more economical, inclusive, collaborative, creative and ethical world. Design takes on its full place and meaning here. In order to support this necessary transformation of our territories with, and through design, lille-design and ADULM (Lille Métropole Development and Urban Planning Agency) are engaging in ambitious actions to allow a better understanding of this discipline to the greatest number.

Thus, the year 2020 marks the launch of a regular observation over several years of the practices and economic impacts of design on the Hauts-de-France region: Designscope.

It is a device of inquiry and analysis answering the question: why and how is our territory a creative territory?

The Designscope has set itself the objective of being able to have statistical data on the actors of design (status, staff, distribution, employment, rates charged, training, etc.) and economic, reliable and up-to-date information (economic conditions, salary scales, etc.) on the design industry in Hauts-de-France.

The metropolis and then the Hauts-de-France region will be pilot territories on a national scale. It is then a question of sharing these tools with other structures dedicated to design in France. The Cité du design of Saint-Etienne, supported by the EPURES agency (the equivalent of ADULM) would like to join in the reflection. This would make it possible to assess and compare two territories using the same tools. Other territories will also be observed over the years and the work carried out. The challenge is to be able to locate the region in relation to other French and international regions.

This project is a direct complement to the approach initiated by the State which commits lille-design and ADULM in the creation of the “Assisses du Design” in the region.

Additional challenges
– Identify and enhance the economic impact of design in the Hauts-de-France region
– Better integrate design in companies
– Guide metropolitan, regional and national public policies
– Recognize and structure the profession of “designer”, offer disciplinary status to designers

– Create a “pilot” design observation tool at regional level, with a national focus (approach supported by the state): sharing of methods, deployment.
– Create an inventory of design actors: fields of activity, economic weight, types of structures, geographic distribution: make concrete the practice of design and its level of maturity on the territory of the Hauts-de-France region
– Understand how supply and demand are structured on the regional territory
– Identify the economic impacts of design in companies (in terms of economic benefits, jobs, changes, etc.)

Please contact us if you have any design study in your country. We would be happy to read them!

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