Digital Tools for Creative Collaboration EU Project
Project Kick-Off: let’s go to work!
In Autumn 2020, Esadse and its international partners participated in the Erasmus + exceptional call for projects addressing the challenges posed by the pandemic crisis and lock down periods.
The project proposal Digital Tools for Creative Collaboration was approved by the European Commission, marking a new stage in the relations with our international partners and in our School Internationalisation strategy.
On the 7th June 2021, the online kick-off meeting took place with participation of teacher and administrative staff of Esadse and the Project partners:
– Eesti Kunstiakadeemia – Estonian Academy of Art,
– University of Design- Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch-Gmünd
– the Bureau of European Design Associations, BEDA, associated partner.
Find out more about the DTCC Project here: https://www.citedudesign.com/en/a/digital-tools-for-creative-collaboration-1705