EC adopts Communication to drive the New European Bauhaus forward
This week, the European Commission adopts a Communication setting out the concept of the #NewEuropeanBauhaus. This includes a number of policy actions and funding possibilities.
The project aims at accelerating the transformation of various economic sectors in order to provide access to all citizens to goods that are circular and less carbon intensive.
For the funding, there will be about €85 million dedicated to New European Bauhaus projects from EU programmes in 2021 – 2022.
Many other EU programmes will integrate the New European Bauhaus as an element of context or priority without a predefined dedicated budget.
Funding will come from different EU programmes including the Horizon Europe programme for research and innovation (notably the Horizon Europe missions), the LIFE programme for the environment and climate action and the European Regional Development Fund. In addition, the Commission will invite the Member States to use the New European Bauhaus core values in their strategies for territorial and socio-economic development, and mobilise the relevant parts of their recovery and resilience plans, as well as the programmes under cohesion policy to build a better future for everyone.
The Commission will establish a #NewEuropeanBauhausLab: a ‘think and do tank’ to co-create, prototype and test new tools, solutions and policy recommendations. The Lab will continue the movement’s collaborative spirit that brings together different walks of life and reaches out to society, industry and politics to connect people and find new ways of creating together.
President Ursula von der Leyen said:
“The New European Bauhaus combines the big vision of the European Green Deal with tangible change on the ground. Change that improves our daily life and that people can touch and feel – in buildings, in public spaces, but also in fashion or furniture. The New European Bauhaus aims at creating a new lifestyle that matches sustainability with good design, that needs less carbon and that is inclusive and affordable for all.”
Find more information here europa.eu/new-european-bauhaus/delivery_en