Image by EIT, NEB | Connect New European Bauhaus Call
EIT Community NEB Funding Opportunities: Connect NEB and Co-create NEB
Two new funding opportunities from the EIT Community New European Bauhaus are both looking for citizen-generated solutions to the challenges facing cities, peri-urban and rural areas.
Connect New European Bauhaus Open Call 2025
The Call for Proposals is aimed at funding citizen-generated solutions for challenges in cities, peri-urban, and rural areas. The goal is to address local community-identified challenges and promote knowledge exchange. Projects should tackle issues related to climate, urban mobility, food, and manufacturing, and must incorporate the core NEB values of sustainability, inclusivity, and aesthetics.
Supported activities
Below, the EIT Community NEB defines four challenge areas, based on thematic axes of the NEB.
- Re-connecting with nature;
- Re-gaining sense of community and belonging;
- Prioritising places and the people that need them the most;
- The need for a long term, life cycle and integrated thinking in industrial ecosystem.
It will support up to eight projects with a maximum funding of 15,000 EUR per project and a minimum co-funding rate of 20% across the project.
Submission Deadline: 26 September 2024 at 17:00 CET
More Information: eiturbanmobility.eu/connect-ne[…]-open-call-2025
Co-create New European Bauhaus Open Call 2025
This Call for Proposals aims to fund projects that transform cities, rural, and peri-urban areas. The focus is on re-imagining communal spaces to connect with nature, foster a sense of belonging, and meet local needs. Projects should address challenges in climate, urban mobility, food, and manufacturing, and must integrate the core NEB values of sustainability, inclusivity, and aesthetics.
Supported activities
Below, the EIT Community NEB defines four challenge areas, based on thematic axes of the NEB.
- Re-connecting with nature;
- Re-gaining sense of community and belonging;
- Prioritising places and the people that need them the most;
- The need for a long term, life cycle and integrated thinking in industrial ecosystem.
Eight projects will be selected in this call with a maximum funding of 45,000 EUR per project and a minimum co-funding rate of 25% across the project.
Submission Deadline: 10 October 2024 at 17:00 CET
More Information: eiturbanmobility.eu/co-create-[…]-open-call-2025
Info and matchmaking sessions
- Connect NEB info session: 23 July from 11:00 to 12:00 (CET). Register here
- Co-create NEB info session: 30 July from 11:00 to 12:00 (CET). Register here
- Co-create NEB matchmaking session: 10 September from 11:00-12:30 (CET). Register here