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Founders Fight Night – The finale of the innovation training

On 14 April, the challengers faced each other for the final battle at the Founders Fight Night. The finalists of the PunchOut.Tech programme powered by German Design Council pitched for victory together with hand-picked start-ups. Participants and guests also had plenty of opportunity to meet and support the start-up and innovation ecosystem during the entertaining evening. The event was accompanied in the virtual ring by expert judges, including our CEO Lutz Dietzold.

The following were shown:

  • INFLABI, the first inflatable helmet for urban cyclists.
  • GEGENWIND, the first 3D-printed cycling shoe individually adapted by scanning software.
  • The 700 NURSES team, which aims to recruit, train and retain 700 new nursing professionals for the Charité in three years.
  • The DESIGN LAB Lab, which wants to inspire young people interactively and practically for design via virtual channels.
  • DESIGN PORTFOLIO 2.0, a digital platform that matches designers and companies in the recruiting process through skill mapping and independently verified qualifications.
  • RYNX, the highly networked reinterpretation of the classic airport board for the modern interior.
  • ZENBON, the natural relaxation sweet with matching app for more focus, self-care and breathing.

In the end, INFLABI won the day in the public voting as well as in the eyes of the jury. Congratulations on the hard-fought victory!

Learn more about the finalists and start-ups:

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