French BEDA members participate actively in the co-design phase of the New European Bauhaus (NEB)
The five members of BEDA in France – AFD, APCI, Cité du design, DESIGNERS+ and Lille-design – work together to promote this initiative at the national and regional level with the aim to disseminate information to the relevant stakeholders, use their existing partnerships and local networks to encourage actors in their regions to add relevant projects to the NEB website and organize cross-disciplinary dialogues.
Thus, following information meetings have been organised or are planned together with local stakeholders:
12 February, Lille-design organised a meeting for its institutional partners.
23 February, Cité du design held an information meeting with the actors of the Manufacture district of St-Etienne.
10 March, AFD focused its General Assembly on NEB issues.
11 March, Cité du design brought the higher education institutions of its territory together to an information meeting on NEB.
18 March, the Cité du design/ESADSE will organize an informal meeting for members of ANDEA (Association nationale des écoles supérieures d’art et design publiques) and
23 March, a webinar will be organised by the Cité du design for its economic partners and wider public, with the aim to relay the discussions on the Cité du design’s website.
Co-creation workshops are also planned enabling cross-disciplinary dialogues:
17 March and 24 March, Cité du design invites the actors of the Manufacture district of St-Etienne, including professors and students from the Higher School of Art and Design, researchers, entrepreneurs, start-ups, inhabitants, and representatives of local authorities to cross disciplinary workshops.
In line with NEB concerns, AFD added to the Designer’s Code of Ethics ten environmentally responsible commitments: http://www.alliance-francaise-des-designers.org/blog/2021/03/09/code-de-deontologie-des-designers-davantage-responsables.htmlIn addition, at the national level, various communication channels are used to inform and express views on NEB initiative:
– « Notre pays doit s’engager avec ambition et conviction dans “le nouveau Bauhaus » (Le Monde du 6 mars 2021), article by designers, architects and exhibition curators (https://ideasfortomorrow.me/pour-un-nouveau-bauhaus/)
– “Le New European Bauhaus”, interview with Isabelle Vérilhac, BEDA Vice-president (Design fax 1185, the weekly newsletter on design strategies)
– “A New European Bauhaus. An environmental, economic and cultural project for Europe” (website of the Cité du design) https://www.citedudesign.com/en/a/a-new-european-bauhaus-1317