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Conference invitation on Friday 22 April, 15:00 CET: Human Cities-Smoties, creative works with small and remote places

Human Cities is a multidisciplinary exchange network founded in 2006 that examines the livability of public spaces using participatory design as a tool for territorial development. Human Cities- Smoties is a European cooperation project that runs from 2020 to 2024.

This new project is the successor of the Human Cities-Challenging the City Scale project (2014-2018). It is led by the Politecnico di Milano and animated by ten European partners, including the Cité du design. It questions creativity in small or remote places. Smaller cities are also involved in innovation initiatives to improve their attractiveness and the quality of life of their inhabitants. Medium-sized cities and villages in the metropolitan area of Saint-Étienne are opening up to experimentation. Within the framework of the SMOTIES project, they benefit from the support of the Cité du design, Saint-Étienne Métropole and designers to protect and enhance their tangible and intangible heritage.

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