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Holders of Moholy-Nagy Design Grant programme in 2020 and 2021 showcased

The Hungarian Design Council has organised an exhibition in the gallery of Einspach Fine Art & Photography in Budapest, showcasing works by the holders of the László Moholy-Nagy Design Grant programme awarded in the period of the past two years.
The exhibition will be available until 15 July 2022.

Founded 34 years ago, the László Moholy-Nagy Design Grant aims to help young designers with their professional development, entering the market, finding jobs, or even founding their own brands – as a means to contribute to the development of Hungary’s material and environmental culture and the increase of the Hungarian economy’s competitiveness. The six-month programme provides career starters with professional support, mentoring, cooperation with companies, and market experience in a protected environment.

In previous years, a number of exciting projects have been developed, which are presented in a final exhibition. This year, works by the grant holders of the László Moholy-Nagy Design Grant awarded in 2020 and 2021 will be showcased together in a joint exhibition, which opened on 29 June at Einspach Fine Art & Photography gallery. The exhibition was opened by former President of the Grant Committee Dr Edit Németh after the welcome address delivered by President of the Hungarian Design Council and the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office Gyula Pomázi.

A list of grant recipients in 2020:

  • Edina Andrási – Lumimóza porcelain lamp
  • Angéla Góg – Laska: an encyclopaedia of Hungarian dry pasta and a set of objects needed for making pasta
  • Dorottya Hlatki – Mesmerize: a series of wallpapers featuring archetypal spaces
  • Krisztina Nagy – leather upholstery made of modular elements
  • Dániel Szalkai – Sensorism: developing generative technologies
  • Ádám Tóth – add-on interior design structures
  • Adrienn Veres – Infinity seating
  • Lili Veress-Veszprémi – Savage Garden

A list of grant recipients in 2021:

  • Dorottya Hlatki – Kamara: wallpaper system
  • Adrienn Király – here and there: creating a toy collection in collaboration with artisans from Vojvodina
  • Dóra Knetik – Back to nature: Herend picnic for Herend Porcelain Manufactory Ltd.
  • András Kókai – Clift Train: interactive training climbing wall
  • Ádám Miklósi – Uppgradera 2021
  • Eszter Söptei – Spread out: Textile pattern for dual use
  • Bálint Szalai – itthon. Tea set: creating a set for making herbal teas in collaboration with artisans from Vojvodina
  • Krisztina Vándor –Decorative Jaquard textile collection

More information about the László Moholy-Nagy Design Grant: see

Last updated: 12/03/23

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