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European Commission, Althea - | ICC City Performance Report: EU Cities Championing the Green and Digital Transition

ICC City Performance Report: EU Cities Championing the Green and Digital Transition

The Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) has published ICC City Performance Report: EU Cities Championing the Green and Digital Transition which summarises the vision, methodology, achievements, challenges and opportunities for cities across Europe and beyond throughout the programme.

ICC 2020-2022 edition has significantly contributed to the green and digital transition in 136 European cities. Here are some of the key points:


  • Green and Digital Transition: Assisted cities in transitioning to green and digital economies through Local Green Deals and five thematic tracks.
  • Financial Allocation: A total of €1.9 billion was allocated for ICC city initiatives, with an additional €247 million in public funding from EU, national, and regional sources.
  • Local Green Deals and Skills Pact: 42 cities advanced in launching Local Green Deals, and 35 cities joined the Pact for Skills for workforce development.


  • COVID-19 Disruptions: The pandemic posed significant disruptions, demanding flexible strategies for public health and economic stability.
  • Financial Access: Cities encountered difficulties in securing funding for urban initiatives, requiring innovative financing approaches.


  • Role Model Potential: Small and medium-sized cities have the opportunity to become regional exemplars.
  • Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Cities can collaborate, share best practices, and create synergistic solutions by pooling resources and partnerships, enhancing the overall network.

The Full Article and Report:[…]al-transition

Last updated: 16/11/23

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