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WORTH Partnership Project, European Commission | Info session for WORTH II 3rd Call

Info Session for the Third Call of WORTH Partnership Project!

WORTH Partnership Project aims to create cross-border and cross-discipline collaborations between designers, crafters, SME manufacturers, tech-firms and start-ups across EU-27, UK or COSME countries, to develop unique, innovative products, services or business ideas in the following sectors: fashion and textile, footwear, fur and leather, furniture/home decoration, interior design/architecture, accessories and jewellery. The call will be open till 27 November 2023.

All interested parties can register for the online info session on 8 November at 11:00 CET.

Register Here:[…]ae89132

WORTH is about creating transnational partnerships and supporting design-driven projects/ideas, wherein the added value strongly lies in design concepts by integrating disruptive techniques and sustainability in a creative way. We develop a vibrant community of creatives, visionaries, artisans, and industry leaders who through WORTH embark on a journey to push boundaries and create remarkable products or business ideas with a lasting impact. They bring their creative ideas to life and acquire entrepreneurial skills.

152 innovative projects were awarded in the previous edition of WORTH I and up to 202 projects will be supported by WORTH II edition until 2025. WORTH is funded by the European Union through the COSME programme.

Who can apply?

Partnerships must be formed by designers, SME manufacturers, crafters/makers, technology companies, actively looking for new opportunities to exploit ideas tackling at least one of the following topics:

  • Circular Economy (including green transition, energy efficiency, reducing
    carbon footprint, sustainable production and consumption)
  • Digital Manufacturing
  • High-added value solutions (including disruptive approaches and digitised
    value chains)
  • High-performance and innovative materials
  • Reinventing craftsmanship
  • Social Innovation (including European cultural heritage preservation for social
    cohesion and well-being)

Applicants will need to show a keen interest to connect, create and innovate on a transnational basis. The submitted ideas and projects will be evaluated for their quality and operational capacity of the partnership members to successfully implement the project.

How to apply?

To enter the application process, applicants must complete the following three steps:

  • Fill out the registration form and request the eligibility check. Apply now!
  • Find a partner to work with in partnership (partnerships must be formed of at least two partners, a maximum three from at least two different EU-27, UK or COSME countries) and come up with an innovative project.
  • Submission of a partnership project proposal.

Once applicants have registered and passed the eligibility check, they gain access to the WORTH Gallery, which is currently formed of different creative designers, crafters, SME manufacturers and disruptive tech firms from across Europe that are willing to enter into transnational partnerships.

Applicants can request support from the WORTH Team to find a partner and/or shape a project/idea and advice on the project proposal submission process.

Evaluation procedure

A Steering Board of renowned experts will carry out the evaluation and selection process according to the award criteria.

WORTH Benefits


  • Media kit including international media relation activity, advertising and social media
  • € 10.000 to € 20.000 seed money to develop your project (product, service, business idea)
  • International showcase through the participation in two international design events
  • A tailor-made mentoring programme
  • Cross-sector collaboration and participation in networking events
  • Professional links
  • Visibility of your professional profile on the WORTH Gallery

WORTH Partnership Project:
A European Commission initiative supporting collaborations between SME and start-up designers, manufacturers, and technology firms to create innovative and design-driven products and ideas. The initiative is implemented by a consortium across Europe with the core belief that creative industries (SMEs and start-ups) are key drivers of economic growth in Europe.

More Information:

Last updated: 01/11/23

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