BEDA International Design Policy Conference: Initial Helsinki Conference report
BEDA successfully delivered its first international one-day design policy conference, ‘Successful Europe – How can design serve?’ in Oodi, (Helsinki’s award-winning City Centre Library), on Thursday 5th December.
The conference was made possible in close collaboration with BEDA Member Ornamo Art and Design Finland, and through generous sponsorship from Finland’s Ministry of Education and Culture, Arts Promotion Centre, Finland and the City of Helsinki.
An initial Conference report, ‘The time for design to serve is now’, drawn from the various presentations made during the day, has now been drafted. Please take time to look at theBEDA Conference Report.
The outcomes of the afternoon’s successful policy workshop will require deeper analysis. Our intention is to issue further documentation in February-March 2020 as a next step in our journey towards defining and communicating next generation design policy for Europe.
Conference app still ‘live’
Please remember the conference app is still ‘live’ and the valuable content already there will be added to. You can easily download the app whether or not you attended the conference at get.eventos.fi simply entering the pin code 6627 when asked to do so.
For those who attended the event, we kindly encourage all participants to give a rating for your conference experience. This feedback is really valuable for us and you can do it very simply in the app under the icon, ‘Event review’.
Distribute content to your own media network
Below are a set of captioned images which you will find useful when communicating the Conference via your own channels.
For media queries please contact Elina Perttula at Ornamo: elina.perttula@ornamo.fi.
- Päivi Tahkokallio, BEDA President and conference moderator opens the day.
- Tommi Laitio, Executive Director Culture and Leisure, City of Helsinki, speaking on the central importance of values.
- Julia Lohman Professor of Practice in Contemporary Design, Aalto University speaking on biodiversity.
- Erkki Liikanen, Chairman IRFS and previously EU Commissioner speaking on digitalisation.
- Antti Vasara, President & CEO of VTT, Finland’s Technical and Research Centre, closing presentation on Industry 2030 and funding research in science.
- Michael Thomson (standing, right) facilitating the policy insights workshop – a role play on ‘listening’.
- Dominic Sturm, Swiss Design Association engaging with the Conference App.Helsingissä 5. jouluuta 2019.
- Bertrand Derome, Managing Director of the World Design Organisation (WDO), listening attentively during the conference workshop.
- Eray Sertaç Ersayın, President, Industrial Designers Society of Turkey (left), Kristiina Soini-Salomaa, RDI Director, Design. Lahti University of Applied Sciences. Finland (middle), and Christina Melander, Programme Director, Danish Design Council (right) exploring how design can serve.
- Anna Whicher, BEDA Board Member and Head of Design Policy, PDR Wales, highlighting BEDA’s Policy work to date.
- Anna Athanasopoulou of the European Commission speaking on the EU Policy Landscape and the role of design and the Cultural and Creative Industries in a successful Europe.
- Hanna-Kaisa Alanen, Chair of Ornamo Art and Design Finland, welcoming the Minister and delgates to the conference.
- Hanna Kosonen Finland’s Minister of Science and Culture opens the Conference speaking on the importance of design to economy and society.
Photos: Emmi Korhonen (STT Lehtikuva)
Pictures from international design policy conference ‘Successful Europe – How can design serve?’ in Helsinki at Central Library Oodi, on Thursday 5th December 2019. These pictures can be used online or in printed materials, as long as the conference and photographer Emmi Korhonen /STT Lehtikuva is credited.