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By kind permission of Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione internazionale.

March 9, 2023: Italian Design Day, a new edition

Association for the Industrial Design (ADI) and Fondazione ADI Collezione Compasso d’Oro are preparing the seventh edition of ITALIAN DESIGN DAY, in collaboration with the Italian Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Culture, ITA-ICE Italian Trade Agency, the Italian federation of furniture manufacturers Federlegno Arredo, and the Milan Triennale.

On March 9, 2023, one hundred Italian design professionals – designers, architects, entrepreneurs, researchers, journalists – will take in person the point of view of Italian design around the world on the theme chosen for this edition: “The quality that illuminates. The energy of design for people and the environment.”

The meetings, open to the public, will bring together design specialists and enthusiasts around the idea that design is the most suitable tool to ensure, through objects and services, a proper transition to an ethical and economic use of energy. They will take place in spaces made available in one hundred countries by Italian Embassies and Italian Cultural Institutes. Each meeting will be preceded by the screening of a video on the theme of the event made by Studio Azzurro and concluded by a video by Salone del Mobile.Milano.

ADI will also oversee the publication of a catalogue of the interventions and a website that will report, as it does every year, the main information on the event and its editions.

At the same time, an international itinerary of the Italia Geniale exhibition, created by ADI Design Museum for Expo Dubai 2020 and presented in 2022 in Rome at the Ministry of Economic Development headquarters in Palazzo Piacentini, will be launched. The exhibition, curated by Carlo Martino (La Sapienza University of Rome) and Francesco Zurlo (Milan Polytechnic), has been updated and enriched for the occasion and presents to audiences around the world more than one hundred of the best achievements of Italian design in every sector, from furniture to vehicles, from sports to food design, from clothing to robotics. One hundred examples of the energy of quality, which Italian design wants to spread all over the world.

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Last updated: 01/02/23

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