EU Commision; New European Bauhaus / NEB Prizes 2023
New European Bauhaus: applications open for the 2023 Prizes
Starting from 6 December 2022 the European Commission is opening applications for the New European Bauhaus Prizes 2023.
Following the successful last two editions that received over 3,000 entries from all EU Member States, the 2023 competition will reward 15 exemplary initiatives linking sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusiveness – the three core values of the New European Bauhaus. Each of the 15 winners will receive up to 30 000€ and a communications package.
In the context of the European Year of Skills, this year’s edition will have a strand focussing on education and learning.
For the first time, applications for projects and concepts in the Western Balkans are welcome.
As last year, there will be specific prizes for people below 30 years of age.
The call is open until 31 January 2023 at 19:00 CET.
More Information: New European Bauhaus: applications open for the 2023 Prizes (europa.eu)
Direct link to the dedicated platform prizes.new-european-bauhaus.eu and the New European Bauhaus website