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New European Bauhaus – Will it act as a connection platform: Business / Education / Research / Civil society?

Place: Théâtre of the Biennale / Cité du design
Le Théâtre – Biennale International Design Saint-Étienne
Cité du design, 3 rue Javelin Pagnon
42000 Saint-Étienne – France

A half-day organized by the Cité du design-Esadse in cooperation with National Association of Higher Schools of Art (ANdÉA) aims to demonstrate that the New European Bauhaus initiative is a European and a global opportunity to strengthen links between research, education, companies and networks, and to support them to move towards positive dynamics and to use design as a driver of transformation.
The first conclusions of the co-design phase of the NEB initiative show that education and lifelong learning are the bases for the transformation. Moreover, learning by doing, method applied in artistic higher education institutions, is key to imagine and prototype new solutions.

Introduction: Presentation »Places of Learning«, »NEB Lab«, »NEB team«.

Round Table 1: New European Bauhaus instruments
The New European Bauhaus initiative activates EU funding instruments to support the transformation of education addressing challenges of the Green Deal, and to build a sustainable, beautiful and inclusive world.
Speakers (TBC):
New European Bauhaus
Joint Research Centre
Creative Europe / Horizon Europe Commissionner or EC expert
Relais Culture Europe
Agence Erasmus France
Focal Point NEB France

Round Table 2: Collaboration with and across networks
How cross-disciplinary projects are facilitated by the actions of European networks and beyond.
New horizons emerging through connecting these networks together for a wider global community.

Case studies: EuroFabriqueLe Monde sinon rien, pour un bauhaus du vivantConclusion: presentation of a European project under HorizonEurope Heritage NEB, prepared by the Cité dudesign-Esadse with its partners, seven Higher Education Institutions and six members of UNESCO World Heritage cities or UNESCO Creative Cities Network.

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