Power of Creative Industries
PDR share their latest news and updates on projects focusing on the strategic use of design.
Recent data shows that in the UK, creative industries generated £101.5bn in 2017, equivalent to approximately £11.5m every hour. That is more than automotive, spacecraft and pharmaceutical sectors together and almost as much as financial services sector! Creativity is a new driver of regional growth, and as such it is essential to build on its potential, encourage cross-fertilisation between sectors and support all businesses to use creativity as an asset. Design is an accessible creative method that can be applied across all sectors.
Design for Innovationproject aims to help small and medium enterprises create more desirable products and services, be more profitable and grow faster through design. At the recent partnership meeting, we have discussed what works in building capacity for design among business support organisation. Business and innovation advisors at support organisations are crucial for effective take-up of support programmes and implementation of design. They need to have a good understanding of design to be able to explain its value to specific sector and convince business owners and managers to take up a new project.
Our blog post Building capacity for design – Part 1, reflects on what to take into account when building design capacity through knowledge exchange, toolkits, trainings or participatory design process, among others. On Design for Innovation journey to build a better future in Europe through design, the project partners are already achieving significant successes like for instance adoption of a comprehensive design support programme in Galicia or securing funding for creation of the Valletta Design Cluster premises. Read more about it on the project website here.PDR is a world leading design consultancy and research centre, visit: www.pdronline.co.uk