READ bets on ‘Call for Projects’
The Spanish Network of Design Associations (READ) is committed to raising awareness about design contracting in order to avoid speculative work in the sector and bad practices that benefit no one. For more than a year now, it has been reinforcing its work of advising companies and Public Administrations on the selection of the best professionals for each project using tools such as the “Call for Projects” (“Llamada a proyecto”).
In April, READ has managed and coordinated calls for projects promoted by Spanish institutions as important as the Museo Nacional del Prado -for the creation of a graphic proposal for its ‘Museo en Vol.’ project- or the Spanish Space Agency -for the design of its institutional image-.
In addition, in the coming months, READ will announce new calls for projects with the firm belief that these calls help design contracting entities to meet different Spanish professionals.
READ is pleased that public bodies continue to support this type of contracting, which guarantees respect for professionals and guarantees the quality of the final result, and that is why they will continue to work in this direction.
More Information: designread.es/servicios