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READ celebrates its 10th anniversary

On November 12th, 2010, five associations of design professionals (from the regions of Euskadi, Madrid, Andalusia, Valencia and Murcia) co-founded READ (Spanish Network of Design Associations). In 2020, eleven associations are now part of READ, all cooperating to contribute to the improvement of the socioeconomic structure of Spain and the quality of life of those who inhabit it. In 2017 we became part of BEDA with the intention of extending that same desire to the European sphere.

Many actions have been developed in these years by READ and many synergies have been established with those agents that recognise design as an essential economic and cultural value. Together with them we are helping to identify, generate and communicate the value of design for innovation and prosperity.

We should highlight the actions related to ethics in design, establishing good practice procedures in commissioning design and a “Code of Ethics for Design”, in phase of validation. Also important are those related to public policies, with a great milestone set in May 2018, when an important legislative proposal was passed in the Spanish Parliament.

The quantification of design is a very relevant subject for us, both at a national level and at a European level. Here we must mention the project “Ecosystem of Design”, promoted by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and coordinated by Barcelona Centre de Disseny (BCD), with whom we have collaborated, and the roundtable ”Measuring European Design” held this past September, a first conversation about the harmonisation of indicators, with very interesting contributions from the participants, including BEDA, still a work in progress.

Also important are the “TransferenciasDesign” events, about knowledge transfer, and the National Design Meetings (ENAD) with eight editions held so far. And, of course, “From Spain With Design” (FSWD), a project conceived to promote Spanish design in the international arena.

We cannot forget the Circular Economy as a matter of great interest to READ. Since 2017, both the network and its member associations have been very proactive in contributing to this new productive paradigm inspired by nature, that cannot be achieved without good design.

And finally, good news: the READ bylaws of 2010 were signed by five people, all men. The last Assembly was composed by twenty one delegates, nine women and twelve men. READ’s board of directors currently has four women, including the president and vice president. Time to celebrate.

READ is a non-profit Spanish entity with national activity and international projection, established for the coordination and integration of the national community of designers. Find out more here:

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