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READ / READ General Assembly

READ General Assembly, new Board of Directors and new website

The Ordinary General Assembly of READ (Spanish Network of Design Associations) will be held on March 3 and 4 in Mérida. On the occasion of the exhibition ‘From Spain With Design: Identity & Territory’ and the complementary activities that will be carried out during these months at the Extremadura and Ibero-American Museum of Art (MEIAC), the delegates of the 13 associations that make up READ will meet in this World Heritage city.

After two years under the presidency of the Galician Design Association (DAG), this 2023 GA will appoint the new Board of Directors and, furthermore, the change of presidency will be materialised. The Association of Design Professionals of Cuenca (Cuenca Diseño) will assume the presidency of READ until March 2025 and, in addition, it will be in charge of organising, in its territory, the next two editions of the National Design Meetings.

Last but not least, we would like to invite you to visit the new READ website, that includes a presentation in languages of different Spanish regions, as well as in English.

More Information:

Last updated: 01/02/23

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