Helena Paz / READ
READ sets the path for the coming two years
The Spanish Network of Design Associations (READ) has officially a new Board of directors and during the two coming years, until March 2025, it will be under the presidency of the Association of Design Professionals of Cuenca (Cuenca Diseño). Graphic designer Juan Lázaro is the new president. Silvia González (DIEX) will be the vice presiden
Juan Lázaro, the new president, takes up the relay from Uqui Permui, stressing that this is a project of continuity. He has also presented the READ’s strategic and action plan for the next two years that includes the different working groups, to which Education is added, and the new position of Working Groups Coordinator, that will be carried out by the graphic designer Uqui Permui, ex-president of READ.
Among the objectives of this strategic plan, at an internal level, READ’s efforts will focus on the cohesion of the network and working groups, support for associations in their territories, the promotion of participation and the strengthening of economic resources.
“We have to continue the great work that READ has developed in the last years, with greater dialogue with the public administrations. We also want to become benchmarks in the sector and in defence of design, as well as face the international leap of READ,” comments Lázaro.
“We also will work to contribute and strengthen the creative cultural industries with projects such as the SNIC, disseminate the READ Code of Ethics for Designers and contribute to good practices in our sector. READ has a presence in almost the entire Spanish territory, but we must continue to add new members, especially in the business field”.
– Juan Lázaro
The new Board of Directors was officially announced on March 3 in Mérida, where the Ordinary General Assembly was held with the presence of more than 30 delegates in representation of the 13 associations that make up READ.
More Information: designread.es/aprobada-la-nuev[…]rectiva-de-read
READ Code of Ethics for Designers: www.designread.es/wp-[…]_READ-Code-of-Ethics-for-designers_ENG.pdf
Last updated: 12/03/23