Rewatch online: European Week of Regions and Cities x New European Bauhaus: Connecting the EU Green Deal to our living spaces.
The European Week of Regions and Cities (#EURegionsWeek) is the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to cohesion policy. On 14 October, on invitation of Xavier Troussard, New European Bauhaus Head of Unit, European Commission, Isabelle Vérilhac, representing the first official partner BEDA, pointed out why it is crucial to be part of this initiative. She introduced the online audience to the importance of the design process in the whole initiative. BEDA aims to support the NEB team as a European network. Several BEDA members are now also NEB Official members, as designaustria as well as Cité du design in France which Isabelle represented, too. Thanks to the connexion at different levels, local, regional, national and European, we will be stronger and successful for involving all the stakeholders. Isabelle highlighted the BEDA Forum – please join on Tuesday 14 December 2021 – as a useful exchange platform for the design community and their stakeholders.
Rewatch the online session “New European Bauhaus: connecting the EU Green Deal to our living spaces” HERE