EUIPO, EUIPO Youtube / DesignEuropa Talks, Alicante, Spain. From right side: Isabelle Vérilhac, Kari Kivinen, Christian Guellerin
The first DesignEuropa Talks was hosted by EUIPO on 20 October, 2022
The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) hosted the first DesignEuropa Talks on 20 October, 2022 at its headquarters in Alicante, Spain. The video recording of the event is available at the bottom of the page.
The event aimed to broaden the Design Europa Awards community and highlight the effective use of design and how its protection can contribute to economic, social, cultural and environmental development.
DesignEuropa Talks brought together experts from different fields of interest such as design, business, higher education and intellectual property rights, who have worked or thought about design from a variety of perspectives and disciplines.
Two of BEDA presidents participated in the event among many other expert speakers. BEDA president Isabelle Vérilhac spoke about the issue of design education in relation to the protection of intellectual property while maintaining European values. Past president of BEDA, Päivi Tahkokallio, contributed to the topic about shaping the design world – Challenges and opportunities in the design industry.
The programme encouraged active discussion among participants, with various panel sessions covering different aspects related to design including such topics as:
- Design Education and IP protection
- Challenges and opportunities in the design industry
- Impact of the design on the value of the business
- Successful stories of design management
More Information: euipo.europa.eu/ohimportal/en/dea-2022-talks
Last updated: 12/05/23