New Pact for Skills for CCIs (Cultural and Creative Industries) by the European Commission launched
On 28 April 2022, the European Commission launched a new Pact for Skills, a shared engagement model for skills development in Europe since November 2020. BEDA, Creative Skills Europe and the European Creative Business Network (ECBN) were co-chairing the working group of 60 partners “Towards a large-scale skills partnership for the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) ecosystem”.
The Pact is firmly anchored in the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights and supports the goals of the Green Deal and the digital transformation.
Key principles:
- Promoting a culture of lifelong learning for all
- Building strong skills partnerships
- Monitoring skills supply/ demand and anticipating skills needs
- Working against discrimination and for gender equality and equal opportunities
The CCIs ecosystem is made up of 99% SMEs or micro-enterprises who are struggling to attract new talents or meet the demands of new challenges. It also counts very high shares of self-employment, of people working part-time or on non-permanent contracts, which means that workers in this ecosystem face a very high level of job insecurity and a lack of re- and upskilling opportunities.
The final goal is to built a common proposal for up-skilling and re-skilling the creative and cultural actors.
Culture, creativity, and innovation are the core of the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) Ecosystem, one of the 14 industrial ecosystems identified by the 2020 New EU Industrial Strategy. The ecosystem concept covers both the commercial (industry) and non-commercial cultural and creative sectors, as well as cultural and creative areas of other sectors (e g. education).
The ambition is to promote a life-long learning ecosystem that is relevant, accessible, and affordable for all sector professionals – including self-employed – throughout their careers, while reinforcing synergies and the pooling of resources between existing sector skills initiatives across Europe.
BEDA is endorsing the Creative Pact for Skills (C-P4S) that is focusing on the most urgent horizontal skills needs, relevant for the Cultural and Creative Industries ecosystem:
- Skills and competences for the digital environment
- Management, funding, business, and entrepreneurial skills
- Skills to support and integrate the green transformation
- Transversal and transformative skills that lead to cross-sectoral innovations
- Technical skills, arts and crafts to preserve the cultural and creative heritage
- Hands-on and ‘on the job’ skills solutions
Info on the Roadmap for Creative Skills Acquisitions and the Manifesto are frequently updated.