Wallonie-Bruxelles Design Mode and Flanders DC join forces to present Belgian design at the Maison&Objet fair
For the annual Belgium is Design presence on Maison&Objet fair in Paris (19-23.03.2023), Wallonie-Bruxelles Design Mode and Flanders DC join forces to present a selection of Belgian designers and brands in the Today section.
Maison&Objet chose to place its January 2023 edition on the theme of caring and commitment called “Take care!”. It gives a resolutely resilient dimension to design, acting in line with the troubled times we are going through.
With the values it defends, the Belgium is Design could not but adhere to this approach. By choosing to support 10 projects ranging from the creation of furniture and rugs to the design of candles or innovative solutions in the field of neo-consumption, the designers in this selection defend the idea of a positive societal and environmental evolution and a humanisation of the very notion of innovation.
Casimir x Indera / Design for Resilience / KVP Textile Design / Mublo / Natalia Brilli / Stan Editions / Stolp / TheAlfredCollection / Tenue de Ville x Peintagone / Yvan Caillaud
More Information: www.belgiumisdesign.be/events/maisonobjet-2
Last updated: 07/02/23