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Design Promotion Institution

Who We Are

Created in 1983 on the initiative of the Ministries of Industry and Culture, the APCI is the national association for the promotion of French design, recognized as being of general interest. Its objective is to promote the transformative power of design in all its dimensions, whether systemic (strategies, organizations, management) or experiential (services, spaces, interfaces, objects), to all audiences, and in particular to companies.
It participates in the international influence of French design (among other things with the help of the wonderful tool of the Designer(s) du design exhibition, for which it owns the scenography and the right of duplication), contributes to the definition and steering of a national design policy by participating in the National Design Council, supports and animates a network of regional players by piloting events such as France Design Week and by creating a network of Design Labs. It is also committed to the employability of young designers by organizing the Forum Design, mode d’emploi.
Its members and partners include public authorities, companies (from large groups to start-ups, including SMEs and ETIs

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