Discover the New Member Features of the Re-launched BEDA Website!
We are delighted to introduce our members to the new features exclusively available to them. As before, our website provides useful content for everyone. To read more about the publicly available features, please refer to this article.
The new website documents the work of BEDA in an impressive and comprehensible way: competent communication of the importance of design for social and economic transformations as a service for decision-makers at EU level. The fact that the website now also presents many events of the lively members in 28 European countries strengthens the community spirit of the European design organisations. And thus also BEDA.
– Arne Leichert, Member of the Board of Deutscher Designtag (BEDA member organisation)
In this article, we dive deeper into specific new features available for BEDA members:
- Member Accounts
- Member Map
- Event Calendar
- Resources:
- Publications & Resources
- EU Calls
Member Accounts
One of the major changes is the opportunity for each BEDA member organisation to set up their account, empowering them to display their organisation and highlight the full scope of their activities on the BEDA website.
We will provide access to one contact from each member organisation that can be reassigned to a different person within their organisation. This will allow our member organisations to set up their profiles, use the Member Zone, and invite their members to create accounts on the BEDA website.
Member Map
The Member Map highlights all of our members and boldly places them on an interactive map. It serves as a business card of our members on the BEDA website. Each BEDA member organisation can add information about themselves and also list their members.
Event Calendar
Featuring design events from all over Europe the event calendar is a powerful tool that can educate designers, influence politics, and give the public insight into an industry that plays a crucial role in shaping the lives of all EU citizens. It also brings visibility to the events of our members, increasing their impact and reach. Each member organisation with an account on our website can add their events to this event calendar. We encourage our members to add events hosted by their organisation as well as events hosted by their members.
Publications & Resources
We are building a comprehensive library of useful resources for the design community. Our new Publications & Resources section collects valuable information about European design, including reports, papers, statements, and guidelines. We have made access to the latest resources available to all, but our members have access to a broader collection that also provides insights into the past.
Your organisation can contribute to this section by sharing your publications and resources with us. You can decide if your resource should be public or only accessible to our members. Reach out to [email protected] for more information.
EU Calls
EU Calls is a dedicated page within the Member Zone that combines and displays different opportunities from the European Commission that can be beneficial to our members. Here, you can quickly overview what is available, the time period of the call, and where to find detailed information. This section is only available when you are logged in to your member account.
Last updated: 14/04/23