Show your support for the BEDA Position Paper, which empowers design in Europe, by signing it


Ethics are involved in each and every design decision ultimately impacting the outcome of each and every project.

Every designer is on a quest to design the best possible solution to the problem in front of them. But that pursuit can lead to unintended, and occasionally negative consequences.

For example, if we look at digitalisation – we are familiar with stories of biassed algorithms trained to manipulate our brains for the benefit of data mining by big tech companies. Algorithms like these are created for improving business and technological advancements but they come with unknown risks.

BEDA members are aware of their responsibilities, their possibilities. BEDA currently works on collecting, evaluating and curating design methods to tackle ethical decision making processes in the areas of Digital & Value and Material and Sustainable Innovation.

If you are interested in design ethics, or you can provide reports or tools, please contact:

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